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Scubaweb Blog

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Thursday, July 06, 2006

Georgia Aquarium Ocean Voyager

I returned to the Georgia Aquarium today after a month hiatus. It is truly an incredible place. Every single time I go there I am reminded how lucky I am to be able to swim with 4 whale sharks only 10 minutes away from our house... not to mention the hammer head sharks, cow-nosed rays and other incredible animals!


  • At 12:01 AM, Anonymous said…

    hola soy debora escartin, no sabes que gusto me da saber de ustedes y ver las fotos de la boda! llore un buen! oye a ver si me puedes mandar tu mail y el de tu sis no? me gustaria volver a tener contacto con ustedes! aqui te dejo mi mail:


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